maçon crossbody.jpg

Developed and crafted by me in our personal studio. Model Alex Cohen



Blixen Board.png

Select moodboard images for a line inspired by Karen Blixen from the novel and 1985 film Out of Africa; Portrait by Leroy Woodard

Blixen line and weekender.png
blixen bag.png

Made in partnership with Atelier de Toutes les Matières and wood craftsman JF Bosse; Model Lucille Tartour 



forma board.png

Select moodboard images, material and color palette. Print by designer Berit Mogensen Lopez; brooch by L & G Studio. Below; prototype made in collaboration with Atelier de Toutes les Matières (Paris) and Movex (Ubrique, Spain)

forma 2 darker green.png
forma 2 darker green.png
forma 3.png
cylinder bag ubrique.jpg



Originally inspired by Yves Saint Laurent’s 1983 Evening Gown and popular use of the heart motif, this piece was developed as a personal project into a pattern and mockup in salpa; Photograph © Gilles Tapie

YSL Bow Bag.png
YSL Bow Bag 3.png


macon backpack.png
macon assymetrical clutch.png
macon case.png

Designed in collaboration with designer and partner Alex Cohen and made in our personal studio

macon jewelry.png

Bronze rings and pendants designed in collaboration with designer Alex Cohen hand carved from wax by me; lost-wax cast

adacus jewelry.png

Lost-wax cast bronze. Model Jameelah Nuriddin


Neck piece made in Kenya for KEZA from camel bone, wood and leather. Model Achieng Andabwa



Additional pieces for Saint Laurent, Louis Vuitton, Lancel and Marc Jacobs are available for viewing in person.